Behavior training for dogs: your online resource for real world, positive, practical dog training

Train 2 Behave

Behavior training for dogs: your online resource for real world positive dog training

Trying to sort through the vast quantity of online dog training and behavior advice can be overwhelming.

There’s so much conflicting advice on solving dog behavior problems. Mixed in with the truly helpful stuff, there’s clickbait, fluff, and some that makes you shake your head and wonder what they were thinking!

If you don’t have years of practical experience training dogs for better behavior, it can be hard to know who to trust and which direction to take with your dog’s training.

Train 2 Behave was created to help dog owners and dog trainers sort through their options. To be a resource for solving dog training issues. To answer canine behavior questions in a clear, no-nonsense, non-ideological manner.

Whether you’re new to dog training or experienced; whether you’re looking for tips on teaching basic dog obedience commands, for help with a dog behavior problem, or simply searching for fun ideas to spice up your dog training routine – we’re here to help you help your dog behave better.

The categories at the top of each page will guide you through dog training and behavior help for all stages of training.

Because Train 2 Behave is a new site, not all categories will have articles in them yet. I appreciate your patience and hope you check back often!

Julie Cantrell BSc



User-friendly training tips you can plug into real life, with enough detail to get the job done!



Training tools and methods both you and your dog can appreciate and enjoy.



Dog training solutions that actually help you end up with a better-behaved dog.

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