Can OCD in Dogs Be Cured?

Can OCD in Dogs Be Cured?

Curing OCD behavior in dogs is difficult once it’s firmly established. Catching and addressing the behavior early gives the best chance of success. However, the more factors that drive the dog toward compulsive behaviors, the harder a cure will be. With many cases...
Can OCD Behavior in Dogs Be Prevented?

Can OCD Behavior in Dogs Be Prevented?

Think your high-strung, high-energy, or anxious, insecure dog may be prone to compulsive behavior? All the evidence shows that OCD behavior in dogs can be very challenging to cure once established. So, you may be wondering if there are any steps you can take to...
OCD in Dogs: What Causes It and What Makes it Worse

OCD in Dogs: What Causes It and What Makes it Worse

Compulsive and repetitive behaviors in dogs don’t develop randomly. Although genetics can be a strong predetermining factor, it’s only one of a variety that can contribute to the development of OCD in dogs. Your dog’s temperament and personality contribute to...
Is Your Dog OCD?

Is Your Dog OCD?

Are you wondering if your high-strung pup’s odd behaviors may be a canine version of OCD? It’s not uncommon to hear dog owners joke that their dog “must be OCD”, but it’s no laughing matter for the 3% of dogs whose behaviors qualify as truly compulsive. Dogs...